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build diary

December 6, 2005: Back from the races!
Very little Seven-related activity although being that close to that many race cars managed to get me all itchy for more track time myself. The cars were, for the most part, nicely prepared by AWR. The biggest problem was that we had in setup was a lack of shock damping. The cars were running on stock shocks because they were so new and nothing else was available. We also had two cars with identical setups that worked differently - one oversteered enthusiastically, the other would not do anything but push. We worked away at finding solutions and it was very interesting watching the experienced racers do what they could to get the cars to work. They did get better but were never exceptional. Drivers from other teams were commenting on how the little guys bounced around. Unfortunately, we had a few problems over the course of the race (fulfilling our role as a development race) and were not in the hunt for a win by the time dawn rolled around. Shortly after, one of our cars also rolled around on the track a bit and became a good candidate for a Locost. The other droned across the line stuck in either 5th or 6th gear.

Great engine (the 2.0 Duratec that's seen some use overseas) but not a great transmission unfortunately. It's very similar in size to the Miata one I used but has some internal weaknesses that will hopefully be addressed soon. The rear end also looks promising with a better mounting setup than on my own car. I didn't have the time to take a really close look but it appears it will be much easier to keep the thing well located. The upper mounts are bolted on, allowing a different geometry to be substituted which could move the load around a bit.

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