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build diary

May 4, 2004: Nothing exciting, just a little more time spent reworking the holes for the gauges.
They've got a beveled edge now so the gauges look like they belong. I need is some plastic to cover them and I'll move on.

CMC did another 2-day build at the Walter Mitty vintage event and even managed to drive the car on the autox course as well as partway home. Impressive. A conversation with CMC did reveal some new information, though. If the front of the diff is not hard mounted to the frame, it'll cause problems with a loss of drive as the diff moves around. I can't think of how this works and Steve didn't really seem to know either. The only theory that I and my coworkers have come up with is that the driveshaft is pulling free of the splines in the transmission but that doesn't seem plausible. A diff will work at any angle. He described a clicking when trying to go uphill. Strange....The existing mounting technique works for a while but eventually loosens. I may try using a locking nut on that long bolt on the diff if I can't easily work out a mount on the frame itself - after all, if it works when it's first put together, it should continue to work. But the new frames are being shipped with a hard mount for the nose of the diff instead of the rubber one I have now. Time for some mulling-over in the garage.

In further news, the remaining bits and pieces of my setup should be shipping tomorrow. I'm moving towards the point where I can paint the body panels - that will be exciting!

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