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November 27, 2004: I've determined that my Seven causes rain.
It's amazing, every time I want to take it out! This isn't good, as instead of driving the car I'm spending all my time thinking of cool projects. I've just purchased the last pieces I need for the wipers off eBayand in the process, picked up some extra bits I'd already purchased! I now have 6 working "wheelboxes" instead of the two I actually need. I guess I could sell some. Still, my total investment in the wipers will be under $50 so that's not bad. The research for the LED tach is coming along well - Datatool makes one that's actually pretty close to what I want for a final result, but there are some small differences. Besides, I'd rather spend the $85 or so on something else. So I'll look into my own. So while I'm looking around for wiper cables from old British cars, I'm also looking for good sources for LM3914 LED controllers and the like. As my friend Eric has pointed out, I also need to make a grille for the car. He seems quite adamant about this so I'd better get on it...

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