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build diary

November 21, 2006: I'm working on a Seven, just not mine!
The FM Westfield build has been taking up time at work. It's a little frustrating. Why? Because I have to do other things and I can't spend all of my time on the Westie! Argh. One of my coworkers has been gone for over two weeks and I'm trying to keep our salvage operation running as well as my own work. It means that I spend more time poking around the Westfield than I do working on it. I'd wanted to be elbow deep in the entire project and that's just not working out.

It has been interesting stuff, though. This is the first LHD version of this particular car, so we have a little trouble-shooting to do. The manual isn't finished so there's also some work in trying to reverse-engineer the ideas of the Westfield guys. Sounds a little familiar, doesn't it? Well, not to the same extent as my build! But it is fun. I hadn't realised how much I'd enjoyed the problem-solving aspect of the build and the Westie provides just enough of that to keep me hooked. I think I'm being useful as well - having been through the whole thing before, I have a really good idea of how it's all going to fit together. It's also really cool being paid to do things like this.

Meanwhile, the work at home continues. The Seven is now living in its new garage, although it's more a case of having a little burrow for the car inside the collection of boxes that still rule the space. The weather is cool enough to discourage me from driving it to work. I might do that next week just to prove I can. With a good jacket on.

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